The objectives of energy efficiency and zero emissions in road transportation imply a paradigm shift in the concept of the automobile regarding design, materials, and propulsion technology. A redesign of the electric and electronic architecture provides in many aspects additional potential for reaching these goals. At the same time, standardization within a broad range of features, components and systems is a key enabling factor for a successful market entry of the electric vehicle (EV). It would lower production cost, increase interoperability and compatibilities, and sustain market penetration. ISIEINDIA | Instructor page



Automotive Designer Consultant Italy & Editor at IMPERIAL INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS with international work experiences in USA, China and Europe. Teacher and lecturer in Alabama, Ohio, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, India,England, Germany, France, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia,Poland, Romania, Finland, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Holland,Portugal, Spain and Italy.

Instructor courses

Category Course name Rating
Automotives Design Automotive and Transportation Design